Treatment for Your Migraines

About 39 million Americans suffer from migraines — that includes adults and kids, too. In fact, roughly one out of every four American households has someone who suffers from these debilitating headaches. Worldwide, migraines affect as many as 1 billion adults and kids.
At Primary Care Associates, we help patients in Frederick and Clarksburg, Maryland, manage migraine pain and even prevent migraines using the most advanced treatment options for optimal benefits. If you suffer from migraines, here’s how our team can help.
Migraines 101
The exact cause of migraine symptoms hasn’t been identified yet. Still, researchers think these headaches are probably related to an imbalance in certain brain chemicals that affect your facial nerves in specific ways. What scientists do know is that migraines tend to have “triggers” that initiate symptoms and even make them worse. Common triggers include:
- Stress
- Inadequate sleep
- Certain foods or food additives
- Hormonal fluctuations
- Physical strain or illness
- Caffeine and alcohol consumption
- Weather changes
- Dehydration
- Low blood sugar
In addition to head pain, people with migraines may also experience:
- Visual problems, like tunnel vision
- Nausea
- Sensitivity to bright lights or loud sounds
- Dizziness
Some people can experience these symptoms even without an accompanying headache. Chronic migraine sufferers experience migraine symptoms 15 or more days a month.
Migraine treatment options
Treating and preventing migraines involves both lifestyle changes and medications. Lifestyle changes include:
- Learning to manage stress
- Eating a healthy diet
- Drinking plenty of water
- Exercising regularly
Of course, learning to identify and then avoid triggers whenever possible is also important.
Medications can help in two ways to both prevent migraine pain and alleviate it once it begins. Today, there are several medication options used to treat migraines. That means the team at Primary Care Associates will be able to tailor a treatment plan that works for your specific needs, health history, and symptoms.
Medications used to treat migraines include:
- Antidepressants
- Pain relievers, like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin
- Antiseizure drugs
- Blood pressure medications
- Tryptamine-based drugs
Some medications are most effective when they’re taken at the first sign of migraine symptoms. While head pain is often the first noticeable symptom of a migraine, some people begin to experience vision problems, like blurry vision or tunnel vision, before their migraine has fully begun. Other people may notice feelings of fatigue, neck stiffness, or changes in bowel habits.
Typically, medications are combined with lifestyle changes to help rebalance your brain’s chemicals while providing your body, brain, and nerves with the support they need for optimal function.
Learn how to manage your migraines
More than 90% of people with severe migraines cannot perform their normal routines during their attacks. But with treatment, you can control and even prevent migraines so that you can take your life back. To find out how we can help with your migraine symptoms, call the office or use our online form and schedule an appointment today.
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